Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Big Girl!!

I can not believe how much changes in 2 years. I love this age! She is learning and talking so much. She really is a sponge and soaks everything in!! She is telling us all kinds of stories and repeats everything. It is amazing how much changes in just a few months. She started with simple sentences around Thanksgiving and now can go on and on and tell you a full story about what she was doing. She loves to sing songs and not only songs like Twinkle twinkle but her favorites are Bennie and the Jets by Elton John (yes, you read that right), anything Taylor Swift, The Hippo Christmas song and the Alvain and the Chipmunks Christmas song. And she dances away when any kind of music comes on! She can also sing her ABC's and count to 12, after that she says numbers but not in order. I love watching her learn and can't wait to see what she will do next!!

Here are a few pictures of the big girl things she likes to do right now. She thinks her nails should be painted every day! Some days I don't mind doing it if she sits still, but that doesn't always happen. And look at this big girl braid!! She is growing up so fast. Matt and I are having so much fun!!

Potty Training!

We have officially been potty training for a week now!! Camryn is doing great!

The first day we woke her up, put her in her big girl panties (putting them in a character they like helps a lot. She loves Dora and does not want to get her Dora panties dirty) and started pumping her full of liquids. She does not go to the bathroom first thing when she wakes up, which was surprising to me. We had our first accident about 10 minutes after she woke up. Thankfully she went on the paint drop clothes we laid on the living room floor. As soon as she had her accident we talked her through it while she was on her little potty. That was her only accident of the day!

We did not do any research on how to potty train, it was mainly what we had heard from friends. Some suggested having a timer that went off every so often but Cam did not like when it went off. She would tell me "mom I don't need to potty." I asked her all the time if she needed to go and she would always tell me no. She caught on so fast and whenever she needed to go she would tell me. The rest of the day was exhausting for me just because I felt like I needed to watch her all the time and ask her if she had to potty, I'm sure she thought I was crazy! But she did great, even at nap time and nighttime her pull up was dry. We decided we did not want to push our luck and left her in pull ups for nap and night time. We also gave her some kind of candy after every successful attempt which really seemed to help, along with lots of praise. I just love her reaction and seeing how proud she is of herself!

Tuesday she had an accident in the morning and that was it. We left the house for lunch and she actually told me at the restaurant she needed to potty. We went to the bathroom, she took care of business and did great. Her pull up was dry when we got home. This was also something I was not expecting her to pick up on so fast. And something I was not ready for...taking her to a public bathroom. I am so OCD but she is doing well with not touching anything.

The rest of the week she did perfect! Every time we were out and about she would tell me when she needed to go and we haven't had any more accidents! I was worried about Sunday and if she would tell the workers at church but she did! Now we hardly ask her if she has to go, she just tells us and loves the praise she gets after she goes. We are loving not having to buy diapers for the next month until Jaxson gets here!

We are so proud of Cam and hope it continues to go well. Our house is back to normal and she is in big girl panties whenever we are home. When we go out we are still putting her in pull ups, no reason to rush panties out and about. I really think it going so well had a lot to do with her being almost 25 months and being able to understand exactly what we wanted from her. We also introduced her to the big potty a few months ago and she had gone on it a few times so it was not something unknown to her. We also got her toddler potty around 18 months and we talked to her a lot about going on the potty before we actually started getting serious about it. She used the toddler potty the first few days but now is going on the big potty. It takes a lot out of everyone so make sure everyone is ready before you start out! It is a family effort! This was our experience with potty training and I am so thankful it went well! We are so proud of you Camryn!!

Big Girl Bed!!

Last weekend we moved Camryn to her big girl bed!! We were a little worried about how it would go but she is doing great!! She is such a good sleeper and it has not messed that up a bit! Every night she gets in bed, tells us she's all cozy (which is the cutest thing ever) then we read her favorite bed time book and pray. She is doing great and we are so proud of her!!

First morning after!!
Every morning after she wakes up she tells us "I did it!" She is so proud of herself!!

Alamo Bowl

A few days after Christmas we headed to my parents! We spent a week with them which was amazing! We usually only go for a few days so it was nice to just relax and hang out with everyone! We also went to the Alamo Bowl while we were that and got to see our Baylor Bears and the heisman winner RGIII! We are so proud of Baylor and the amazing season they had and are so glad we were there to watch Robert play his last game as a bear!! Once again I wish we would have taken more pictures of our time with my family but here are some from game day!

Coach Briles

Can you tell it is about 12:30 a.m. in this picture?? She was such a trooper and had so much fun! She cheered the whole game and if everyone started standing up she would yell at us (mainly me, it was a long day for this preggo mommy) to stand up! She is also a pro at doing Sic Em Bears and yelling Go Bears or Baylor Go. We just love her so much and are so glad we can take her to stuff like this with us!!

Christmas Day!

Christmas morning we had to wake little miss Cam up! She is such a sleeper! We started off the morning with the Christmas Story and then Cam got to open her presents!

After we opened presents at our house we headed over to Matt's parents house. We spent the rest of the day there playing with Camryn's toys, eating and watching movies. It was a nice and relaxing day! Camryn had so much fun! My favorite thing about Christmas this year was hearing Cam talk about baby Jesus and the manger scene. I can't wait to see how much more she tells us about Jesus next year!

I wish we would have taken more pictures! Oh well, maybe next year...or not since we will have TWO children!!

Christmas Time!!