As for Miss Camryn...
We just celebrated 6 months! I can not believe it has been that long. She is changing so much week to week. Little miss loves to smile and her personality is really starting to come alive! We had a little 6 month birthday party. Since Cam couldn't have a cupcake, although she tried to get one and got icing everywhere, we tried yogurt melts for the first time. She like them she just wasn't sure about the texture at first, she is the same way with puffs. It is so much fun now that she can eat a little more. I went to kroger as soon as the Dr told me she could move to the second foods.
We started swim lessons yesterday and she seems to be enjoying it. She has two friends that are also doing it with us so it's a lot of fun. We practiced a little this weekend in Papaw's pool and in the Mobley splash pad so it wouldn't be such a shock.
Matt and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary!! Here is a look at us 2 years ago! A lot has changed!!

Well that is all for now. As soon as our remodel is done I will get pics up on here so you can see why I haven't been blogging!
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