I can not believe my little girl is already five months old! Time is flying by so fast! So much has changed. Here is a list of what all she is up to...
*She is rolling over like crazy both ways
*Cam has tried green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash which is her favorite
*We just started fruit 2 days ago and she loves bananas
*She is trying so hard to sit up, she can pull up a little on her own. If you place her sitting up she can hold it for a few seconds but prefers if you give her a little support
*She is smiling all the time
*Lil miss talks a lot but loves talking to Winston and Samson the most (her puppies) Winston will come sit by her and she will pat him then she will grab him and try to pull him to her mouth. Winston is not to crazy about that but he lets her do it. Samson just licks her and wonders why she can't throw his toys.
*Camryn loves her daddy! When he gets home her face lights up and it doesn't matter what he says she is grinning from ear to ear!
*She is very interested in her toes, she doesn't put them in her mouth but she loves playing with them. I love watching her. She is so observant and you can tell when she is really focusing on something. I just wonder what is going on in that mind of hers.
The past five months have been amazing and we are loving every second of this journey! Sorry I have been bad about blogging but I promise to get back in the swing of it!
Camryn using her dolly as a pillow. Notice the big spot of slobber! Why won't her teeth come through already!!
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