Monday, February 13 we headed into the doctor's for our 38 week visit. We had a feeling today would be the day and sure enough Dr. G was kind enough to send us over to have a baby!! We were all checked in and I was hooked up to everything around 11:30 a.m. I had an awesome nurse, Dorthy, and we were on the same page with everything. She let me get my epidural as soon as we got my labs and paper work done and all I cared about on my part was getting that epidural. Unfortunately, it only took on my right side and I could feel EVERYTHING on my left side. I kept telling myself at least one side is working. Finally, around 4:30 p.m. my contractions were really close and strong and I knew it would not be much longer. I paged my nurse and told her she needed to do something else. They kept upping my dosage but all that did was numb my right side more. Finally the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a little something extra that did the trick!! I was so thankful because baby was ready to come out before Dr. G could get to me so I had to wait and not push, which went against everything in my body at this point...Finally I was allowed to push and out came Jaxson!! It was such an easy delivery and I am so thankful everything went well with me and that Jax came out nice and healthy!

Jaxson was born at 5:16 p.m. weighing in at 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long!

Camryn could not be more excited and is such a good big sister!! She was the first to come in the room after he was born and she did not want to leave. The first things she said to me was "mommy your tummy is all better" and "mommy you taking a break?" I guess because I was laying in the bed. She is so funny! Then she would tell Jaxson "Hi, I'm Camryn and that's mommy and daddy." We just kept laughing at her! After we had him they said we would be in that room for an hour then they would move us to the other room. The only bad thing about the L&D room is you can only have 2 visitors besides your husband in the room. This was annoying because everyone had to switch off and we barley had time for the whole family to meet him before they took him away for his bath and all of that. 3 hours later they moved us to our recovery room and by that time it was 9:00 p.m. Finally we got a call from the nurse that they were about to give Jax his bath (which c could not wait for) so Cam was allowed to watch that and then had to go home and go to bed. We did not get him back until 10:00 p.m. I do not remember Camryn being away for that long. By the time we got him back Matt and I spend some time with him and then tried to get some sleep.

The next morning was busy. Everyone wanted to get some time with Jax since we did not get much the day before. Cam was so excited to get her turn...but as soon as she got him they came to get him for his circumcision then the pediatrician then the hearing test. Each time Cam had him and the nurse would take him away from her, she would get so sad and tell them "you can't take my baby brother." She is very protective and wants to know exactly what is going on with him. Once everything was done they informed us we could go home since everything went smooth with me and Jaxson was doing great. We just had to wait the 24 hours then they let us go home. I had no idea we would be able to leave but we were fine with it! We are so grateful for all the nurses and Dr. G and for everything going well! We are also so lucky to have amazing families that helped us so much with Camryn, meals, groceries and all that stuff! We are truly blessed! We could not be more excited about our family of 4!!

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