A few days after Christmas we headed to my parents! We spent a week with them which was amazing! We usually only go for a few days so it was nice to just relax and hang out with everyone! We also went to the Alamo Bowl while we were that and got to see our Baylor Bears and the heisman winner RGIII! We are so proud of Baylor and the amazing season they had and are so glad we were there to watch Robert play his last game as a bear!! Once again I wish we would have taken more pictures of our time with my family but here are some from game day!
Coach Briles

Can you tell it is about 12:30 a.m. in this picture?? She was such a trooper and had so much fun! She cheered the whole game and if everyone started standing up she would yell at us (mainly me, it was a long day for this preggo mommy) to stand up! She is also a pro at doing Sic Em Bears and yelling Go Bears or Baylor Go. We just love her so much and are so glad we can take her to stuff like this with us!!
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