I thought when Papaw (matt's dad) said he was going to get a bounce house it was going to be small...WRONG. This thing was amazing. It had a basketball goal, slide and a football tackle obstacle thing! I think the adults enjoyed it as much as the kids. When everyone left that night we all got in! Cam was so sad when she had to get out!
Not crazy about the hat
Santa! Cam did great with him! I was worried she might be scared but not at all!
One year old!
Posting a pic of these because I worked really hard on them
Side note...The theme of the party was winter wonderland...so why a yellow cake?? good question! I asked for white. Sad.
Camryn loved her cake! She is a messy eater so I did not think she would disappoint!
On the hay ride we stopped by Papaw's manger scene. He did a great job and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. Every time Camryn sees it (including in Hobby Lobby) all she says is "OH WOW" over and over
look at that budda belly!
I would have to say her first Birthday party was a success!
Great job, so sorry we couldn't be there!