Camryn has changed so much the past month! I can not believe she will be 7 months old tomorrow! A week after we moved into our house little miss decided she had places to go. The dogs played a big part in her motivation. She loves them and couldn't reach them so she started scooting and doing lots of boy push-ups followed by bear crawls. Then before I knew it she was on her way. I'm just glad we got the house unpacked before hand. She has also started sitting up all on her own. This has created a little problem at nap time because she rather sit up and play in her crib than sleep. The good thing is Cam is great at entertaining herself! She is also starting to try and pull up! It is something new everyday! We are having so much fun with her! She is such a blessing and we love her so much! Here are some pictures of the last few weeks...
A little bit about me and my life as Mrs. Wren! My husband, Matt, and I met my first day at Baylor University. He was a senior and I was a freshman. Shortly after we began dating and four years later we were married on 6-7-8. On December 15, 2009 God blessed us with a sweet baby girl! Camryn Leigh Wren. Now we are adjusting to being parents and learning something new every day. We are so excited to see what all God has in store for us!
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